Our Learning Process

This is how our full learning process works, but we’re always open to discussing shorter programmes. For example, we have delivered lots of individual workshops and have been commissioned to conduct stand-alone evaluations and reports on workplace culture. Get in touch to discuss what might work best for you. 

Read on to see each step of the process in more detail.

1. Cultural Evaluation: understanding your organisation 

Learning only happens if built around the real challenges you face. As trained researchers, we use a range of methodologies to understand which aspects of your culture are working well, and which are holding you back before we design. We want to get to know you, to understand your work, your sector and what really matters. 

2. Responsive Design: focusing on what you need 

Learning will be based around key themes and practices that will best serve your needs. These are tailor-made, but might include things like:

  • Leadership and Power
  • Emotion at work
  • Relational systems
  • Employee growth 
  • Navigating complexity
  • Honest conversations
  • Conflict as an asset

3. Facilitated Learning: group workshops and individual coaching 

Our group workshops involve a three step approach 

1)    Knowledge sharing: insight into key issues from academic research

2)    Making meaning: Connecting the theory to your experience 

3)    Integration: Exercises to refine knowledge and insight for daily practice

One-to-one coaching – Changing culture requires individual and collective change. Our one-to-one sessions ensures the needs and personalities of your team are served and supported, making it meaningful for each individual and amplifying the potential for change. 

4. Practice and Reflection: making change happen 

Practice and adaptation – To create real impact, we embrace the complexities of real-world action. We facilitate space for deep reflection on what happens when new learning is put into practice, and then build on the data that comes back to us in ongoing design. This responsiveness maximises the chance of success in the desired change process.

5. Embedding Learning: don’t stop me now 

Real learning is an iterative process of experimentation, refinement, and change.

We support this whole process whilst working together – and beyond. We’ll support with check-ins and resources up to 6 months after we’ve finished working with you.

Want to learn how we can help you?

Send us a message and let’s see how we can work together to improve your organisations culture and your team’s wellbeing.

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